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other customers present The process {X(t)} makes a downcrossing from state j to state j 1 if the service of a customer is completed and j 1 other customers are left behind Observation 1 Since customers arrive singly and are served singly, the long-run average number of upcrossings from j 1 to j per time unit equals the long-run average number of downcrossings from j to j 1 per time unit This follows by noting that in any nite time interval the number of upcrossings from j 1 to j and the number of downcrossings from j to j 1 can differ at most by 1 Observation 2 The long-run fraction of customers seeing j 1 other customers upon arrival is equal to the long-run average number of upcrossings from j 1 to j per time unit the long-run average number of arrivals per time unit for j = 1, 2, In other words, the long-run average number of upcrossings from j 1 to j per time unit equals j 1 The latter relation for xed j is in fact a special case of the Little relation (241) by assuming that each customer nding j 1 other customers present upon arrival pays $1 (using this reward structure observation 2 can also be obtained directly from the renewal-reward theorem) Observations 1 and 2 do not use the assumption of exponential services and apply in fact to any regenerative queueing process in which customers arrive singly and are served singly Observation 3 For exponential services, the long-run average number of downcrossings from j to j 1 per time unit equals pj with probability 1 for each j 1 The proof of this result relies heavily on the PASTA property To make this clear, x j and note that service completions occur according to a Poisson process with rate as long as the server is busy Equivalently, we can assume that an exogenous Poisson process generates events at a rate of , where a Poisson event results in a service completion only when there are j customers present Thus, by part (a) of Theorem 241, E[Ij (t)] = E[Dj (t)] for t > 0 (272). asp.net pdf editor Edit and manipulate PDF | .NET PDF library | Syncfusion
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