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Correct Answers: A, D, and E A. Correct: The Read permission, assigned both implicitly and explicitly, allows for the reading of attributes. Specific settings that restrict the reading of attributes can be made, but that would force the check box at this summary level of permission to be clear, not checked. B. Incorrect: Write permissions, granted to the Sales group implicitly but denied explicitly, mean that the Write permission is denied to the Sales group on this resource. Explicit Deny permissions override Inherited Allow permissions. The Write permissions include the writing of attributes.


aReader = new XmlNodeReader(Node);

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C. Incorrect: Write permissions, granted to the Sales group implicitly but denied explicitly, mean that the Write permission is denied to the Sales group on this resource. Explicit Deny permissions override Inherited Allow permissions. The Write permissions include the creation of files. D. Correct: Write permissions, granted to the Sales group implicitly but denied explicitly, mean that the Write permission is denied to the Sales group on this resource. Explicit Deny permissions override Inherited Allow permissions. The Write permissions include the writing of attributes. E. Correct: The Read permission, assigned both implicitly and explicitly, allows for the reading of files within the folder. F. Incorrect: The Read permission, assigned both implicitly and explicitly, allows for the reading of files within the folder.

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Correct Answers: B A. Incorrect: Although this will allow users access to the Reports folder, it will also allow for the listing of files within the folder and is not the minimally required permission. B. Correct: This permission will allow the users to navigate through the Marketing and Summary folders to access the Reports folder. The users will not be able to access (or even list) any files in the Marketing or Summary folders. C. Incorrect: Being able to read the extended attributes of the folders will not allow access to subfolders. D. Incorrect: Being able to read the attributes of the folders will not allow access to subfolders.

The XmlValidatingReader allows you to validate XML against a given schema. As the document is read, it is checked for validity against the schema that are indicated. XmlValidatingReader wraps an existing XmlReader instance. You can create an XmlValidatingReader instance, as shown here:

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Correct Answers: B A. Incorrect: If the Effective Permissions tool were run on only on the permissions assigned to the Accounting and Developers group, the Traverse Folder/Execute File, List Folder/Read Data, Read Attributes, Read Extended Attributes, and Read Permissions check boxes would be the only ones selected. The figure shows that these check boxes and the Create Files/Write Data, Create Folders/Append Data, Write Attributes, and Write Extended Attributes check boxes are also selected. It also shows that the Delete Subfolders And Files and Delete check boxes are not selected. Remember that NTFS permissions are cumulative. If Full Control (Allow) NTFS permission were assigned to the Engineers group, all check boxes, including Delete Subfolders And Files, as well as the Delete check box in the Effective Permissions dialog box, would become selected. B. Correct: If the Effective Permissions tool were run only on the permissions assigned to the Accounting and Developers group, the Traverse Folder/Execute


' VB ' Assumes the existence of an XmlReader named aReader Dim aValReader As XmlValidatingReader aValReader = New XmlValidatingReader(aReader) // C# // Assumes the existence of an XmlReader named aReader


Managing and Maintaining Access to Resources (3.0)

XmlValidatingReader aValReader;

File, List Folder/Read Data, Read Attributes, Read Extended Attributes, and Read Permissions check boxes would be the only ones selected The figure shows that these check boxes and the Create Files/Write Data, Create Folders/Append Data, Write Attributes, and Write Extended Attributes check boxes are also selected It also shows that the Delete Subfolders And Files and Delete check boxes are not selected Remember that NTFS permissions are cumulative The only way to get these extra four check boxes selected without selecting the last two check boxes is to assign the Write (Allow) NTFS permission to the Engineers group C Incorrect: If the Effective Permissions tool were run only on the permissions assigned to the Accounting and Developers group, the Traverse Folder/Execute File, List Folder/Read Data, Read Attributes, Read Extended Attributes, and Read Permissions check boxes would be the only ones selected.

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The ASP.NET MVC PDF Viewer control lets users load, view and print PDF files with support for searching and copying text, easy navigation and review, and more.

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