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You don t always need to use top to control processes. A range of quick and cheerful shell commands can diagnose and treat process problems. The first of these is the ps command. This stands for Process Status and will report a list of currently running processes on your system. This command is normally used with the -aux options: ps aux This will return a list something like what you see when you run top. If you can spot the problematic process, look for its PID and issue the following command: kill <PID number> For example, to kill a process with a PID of 5122, you would type this: kill 5122 If, after this, you find the process isn t killed, then you should use the top program, as described in the previous sections, because it allows for a more in-depth investigation. Another handy process-killing command lets you use the actual process name. The killall command is handy if you already know from past experience what a program s process is called. For example, to kill the process called firefox-bin, which is the chief process of the Firefox web browser, you would use the following command: killall firefox-bin

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A default ACL can be applied on a directory When using a default ACL, you can specify the permissions that new files and directories will get when they are created in a given directory Therefore, you can consider default ACLs as a umask setting that is applied on a directory only If a directory has a default ACL, all files will get the permissions specified in that default ACL Also, subdirectories will get the permissions from the default ACL, and these permissions will be set as their own permissions as well If a default ACL exists for a directory, the umask setting is not used for that directory To set a default ACL, the setfacl command must be used with the -d option Otherwise, it can be used with parameters as seen earlier.

Caution Make sure you re as specific as possible when using the killall command. Issuing a command

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7 Apr 2017 ... Itextsharp Add Or Insert Text To An Existing Pdf ... string oldFile = "oldFile. pdf "; string newFile = "newFile. pdf "; // open the reader PdfReader ...
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Figure 5-8. Retrieving data from your temporary table Temporary tables will also be deleted if you close SSMSE, because the tempdb database gets rebuilt every time you close and open SSMSE again.

The following example will apply a default ACL to somedir: setfacl -d -m group:account:rwx somedir Because this command uses the -d option, a default ACL is set for all entities that currently are listed as trustees of the directory You can see in Listing 5-9 that the command getfacl is used to display the permissions currently applied to that directory Listing 5-9 Displaying the Default ACL for a Directory myserver:~# getfacl somefile # file: somedir # owner: root # group: root user::rwx group::r-x other::r-x default:user::rwx default:group::r-x default:group:account:rwdefault:mask::rwx default:other::r-x The nice thing about working with default ACLs is that the rights that are granted in a default ACL are automatically added for all new files and directories created in that directory.

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Sometimes, a crashed process can cause all kinds of problems. The shell you re working at may stop working, or the GUI itself might stop working properly. In cases like this, it s important to remember that you can have more that one instance of the commandline shell up and running at any one time. For example, if a process crashes and locks up GNOME Terminal, simply start a new instance of GNOME Terminal (Applications Accessories Terminal). Then use top within the new window to kill the process that is causing trouble for the other terminal window. If the crashed program affects the entire GUI, you can switch to a virtual console by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F1. Although the GUI disappears, you will not have killed it, and no programs will stop running. Instead, you ve simply moved the GUI to the background while a shell console takes over the screen. Then you can use the virtual console to run top and attempt to kill the process that is causing all the problems. When you re ready, you can switch back to the GUI by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7.

However, you should be aware that when you apply a default ACL to a directory, files and directories that currently exist within that directory are not touched by this default ACL If you want to change permission settings in ACLs for existing files and directories, use the setfacl command with the option -R (recursive)..

Sometimes you will want to copy only the table structure, not the data inside the table (e.g., you only need an empty copy of the table). To do so, you need to include a condition that must not return true. In this case, you are free to insert your own data. To try this out, enter the following query, and you should get the results shown in Figure 5-9. select orderid,employeeid,customerid,orderdate,shipcountry into #myemptyorder from orders where 0=1

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18 Oct 2008 ... Just as HTML and ASP.NET provide containers for varying ampounts of textual content, iTextSharp offers the Chunk, Phrase and Paragraph classes. ... Chunks have no concept of how to force a new line when the length exceeds the available width in the document. ... Since the default font-size ...
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Hi everyone, How to generate pdf using c# with header and footer... I need example code.. ... iTextSharp .text.Document pdfDoc = new iTextSharp .text. ... i can convert to pdf .. But i need to add header and footer on my code.

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