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Hash codes are often stored in text files, either as hexadecimal strings (for example, 89D22213170A9CFF09A392F00E2C6C4EDC1B0EF9), or as Base64-encoded strings (for example, idIiExcKnP8Jo5LwDixsTtwbDvk=). Alternatively, hash codes may be stored in databases as raw byte values. Regardless of how you store your hash code, the first step in comparing old and new hash codes is to get them both into a common form.

This following example contains three methods that use different approaches to compare hash codes:

fx var oldName: String = "JavaFX"; var name = "Praveen" on replace oldName { println("Name has changed from old: {oldName} to new: {name}"); } name = "Lawrence"; println("OLD NAME: {oldName}"); Output Name has changed from old: to new: Praveen Name has changed from old: Praveen to new: Lawrence OLD NAME: JavaFX.

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PDF-417 (a.k.a. Portable Data File 417, PDF 417, and PDF417 Truncated) is a 2D ... VB . NET PDF-417 Generator provides a set of advanced barcode options ...
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VerifyHexHash: This method converts a new hash code (a byte array) to a hexadecimal string for comparison to an old hash code Other than the BitConverterToString method, the NET Framework class library does not provide an easy method to convert a byte array to a hexadecimal string You must program a loop to step through the elements of the byte array, convert each individual byte to a string, and append the string to the hexadecimal string representation of the hash code The use of a SystemTextStringBuilder avoids the unnecessary creation of new strings each time the loop appends the next byte value to the result string (See recipe 2-1 for more details) VerifyB64Hash: This method takes a new hash code as a byte array and the old hash code as a Base64-encoded string.

The method encodes the new hash code as a Base64 string and performs a straightforward string comparison of the two values VerifyByteHash: This method compares two hash codes represented as byte arrays The NET Framework class library does not include a method that performs this type of comparison, and so you must program a loop to compare the elements of the two arrays This code uses a few timesaving techniques, namely ensuring that the byte arrays are the same length before starting to compare them and returning false on the first difference found using System; using SystemText; namespace ApressVisualCSharpRecipes11 { class Recipe11_16 { // A method to compare a newly generated hash code with an // existing hash code that's represented by a hex code string public static bool VerifyHexHash(byte[] hash, string oldHashString) { // Create a string representation of the hash code bytes.

As you see in the output of Listing 11-4, the oldName you have defined outside the trigger does not get changed, and what has been defined in the trigger definition is entirely a new variable. To summarize, the trigger functionality can be pictorially represented as shown in Figure 11-1.

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